(ENG) Prefabricated Wooden Houses: From Advantages to Buying Tips and Strategies
Door:Martins Klauzs, Project Manager, ZTC | Girts Draugs, Ceo & Founder, MyCabin | Yuris Bush, Owner And Board Member, Flora Windows
Datum:woensdag 15 mei 2024
Tijd:15:30 - 16:00
Locatie:Praktijktheater Toekomstbestendig bouwen
With the bold ambitions and bio-based regulations growing in the Netherlands' housing market, the heart of the Baltics – Latvia – makes its debut at the Houtbouw Expo to share experiences from an innovation-focused and wood-rich country. Every day at 15:30, three companies will showcase their technological innovations and share insights from their projects across Europe to everyone interested in the sustainable construction industry.
On Wednesday, we invite to an English-speaking session where one will learn from three experienced companies:
- ZTC (ztc.lv) - With numerous projects also carried out in the Netherlands, ZTC will share insights on the sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency of prefabricated wood panel houses compared to traditional stick-built homes. From faster construction and quality assurance to design flexibility and durability, ZTC will showcase real-life examples demonstrating the effectiveness of modern housing solutions.
- MyCabin (mycabinglobal.com) - Founded with a vision to bring modern, functional, and affordable tiny homes to people all over the world, MyCabin has a production facility in Latvia for the European market besides another one in North America. In this session, their CEO will share insights into house-buying tactics and offer the best tips and tricks that will interest both buyers and sellers.
- Flora Windows (flora.lv) - The oldest window and door manufacturer in Latvia, operating from the same location for over thirty years. Specializing in historic and unique projects, Flora offers German-quality products at competitive prices for the Dutch market. Join us to learn how Flora successfully tackles complex projects that others in the industry often avoid or cannot handle.
Join these and other sessions and visit the central Latvian stand at 1.C105!
(Deze sessie is Engelstalig gesproken)
Martins Klauzs
Project ManagerZTCGirts Draugs
Ceo & FounderMyCabinYuris Bush
Owner And Board MemberFlora Windows